Difference between MAC vs PC

A PC generally refers to a computer that runs on the Windows operating system. It is also defined as an IBM-compatible computer, thereby meaning that its architecture is based on the IBM microprocessor. A number of different operating systems are compatible with PCs; the most popular of which is Microsoft Windows. Some others are the UNIX variants, such as Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris.
On the other hand Macintosh, commonly known as Mac, is a brand name which covers several lines of personal computers designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. The Mac is the only computer in the world that can run all the major operating systems, including Mac OS X, Windows XP, and Vista. With software like Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion they can be run; side by side.
Macs and PCs both have dedicated followers, and each type of computer has its own strengths and weaknesses.

                                                                            MAC                             PC
What is it?Short form for “Macintosh” and refers to any computer produced by Apple, Inc.Refers to any computer running IBM-Based (Windows, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD) operating systems. stands for "Personal Computer"
OS familyUnix-like (BSD>Darwin>Mac)Windows, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, etc.
ManufacturerApple IncSeveral companies: HP, Toshiba, Dell, Lenovo, Samsung, Acer, Gateway etc.
CostComputers start at $599 for the Mac Mini, and $999 for the Macbook Air. Other models are more expensive. For desktop or home use Macs are more expensive than a PC.Compared to a Mac, Windows and Windows-associated hardware is cheaper, and you can build your own for even cheaper. Computers running Windows can be found usually 40-75% cheaper than a Mac. PCs running Linux may be even cheaper
Popular ApplicationsiLife, iWork, Xcode, iTunes, Time Machine, Safari, Mac App Store, FaceTime, Game Center, Photo Booth, Chrome browser, Quick TimeMS Office, Internet Explorer, Media Player, Media Center, Windows Defender, SkyDrive, VLC media player, Chrome browser
Development and DistributionMacs are developed and distributed by Apple, Inc.PCs are manufactured and distributed by hundreds of manufacturers.
Latest stable releaseOS X 10.9 MavericksWindows 8.1, Ubuntu 12.04
CompatibilityCan open almost all PC files and can coexist on local networks with PCs. Can open .doc, .exe (as a compressed bundle), .xls, and others. Software exists for other file types. Can also run Windows on a Mac for 100% compatibility.Mac-based files (.DMG) cannot be opened on PCs natively, but you can install software that can read, and possibly write Mac-based files on a PC.
GamingNot as many games are made native for the Mac, although in recent years, many more Applications are released for them. The Mac App Store is a hub for users to download games from.The library of games available for the PC is exhaustive, and hardware specifically tweaked for gaming performance is much more readily available for Windows. The array of graphics cards and upgradability also favor Windows-based computers.
Supported architecturesIntel Microprocessorsx86 & x86-64 Intel and AMD processors
Company / developerApple, Inc.Microsoft (Windows), Ubuntu (Linux), Sun (Solaris), etc.
Market ReachAttracts graphic designers, video and music producers, tech journalists, app developers etc.Wide reach to all stratas. Business users tend to use Windows hardware due to compatibility.
Available language(s)MultilingualMust Get a different OS Version, but has multiple languages available.
UserHome users and Business (mainly in the creative department)Home users and Business
Virus AttacksSince Macs are not as popular as PCs, there are fewer malware written to target Macs, although the threat of malicious software is growing, like from Java.Being the popular desktop choice, most virus writers target Windows systems. But Linux and others have less.
System SoftwareMacintosh Operating System; also allows Windows.Various versions of Windows operating system. Using Linux and associated partitioning software, you can install many Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD distributions alongside your current Windows installation.
PerformanceSince Apple have controlled the hardware & software bundles and model updates, so every Mac operates smoothly without worry on lagging, incompatibles. And have stable and expected performanceDifferent OEMs and even custom build PCs might not have the suitable drivers released for every components in each OS version, incompatibles, lagging may occur. Maybe cannot reach expected performance
RepairsAny knowledgeable person can perform repairs and upgrades. Local computer-help stores can also be contacted for repairs. AppleCare can extend the warrantyAny knowledgeable person can perform repairs and upgrades. Local computer-help stores can also be contacted for repairs. OEMs and component shops provides limited warranty
Programs and appsSame as gaming, limited choice due to user range and less developer powersSame as gaming, excess choice due to user range and large developer powers
Piracy PreventionSince each mac has a unique serial, no activation required and OS X allowed for Mac hardware only, so Apple does not put much force on genuine checkingWindows have a unique activation key for each package distribution, and lots of custom and OEM PC appears, so genuine checking become important. Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD is free and no need for this
Dependent on a PC or a MacNoNo
MessagingiMessageSkype, Facebook, and Twitter
Voice commandsYesYes
Internet browsingSafariInternet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Bing
App storeMac App StoreWindows Store
Company / developerApple Inc.Windows
Latest release10.8Windows 8.1
WidgetsWith DashboardWith Dashboard
Working stateCurrentCurrent
InterfaceMouse and KeyboardMouse and Keyboard
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